Let's practise

Write the shape letters in the correct place in the Venn diagram.

  • Read the question and then read it again. What is it asking you to do?
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It is asking you to use what you know about 3-D shapes to write the shape letters in the correct place on the Venn diagram.

  • Which properties must you use to sort the 3-D shapes in the Venn diagram?
    Remember that some shapes may have both properties and some may have neither property.
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Shapes with an even number of edges.
Shapes with at least one triangular face.

  • Think carefully about the words being used to describe the properties. What do they mean?
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Each surface of a 3-D shape is called a face.
Pairs of faces meet at an edge.

  • Look at each of the shapes in turn and then decide which properties they each have.
    Look at the properties in turn and then decide which shapes have these properties.
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The cuboid (A) and the cube (E) both have 12 edges and no triangular faces.
The sphere (B) has no edges and a curved surface.
The square-based pyramid (C) and the triangular prism (D) both have triangular faces, but shape C has eight edges and shape D has nine.

  • Now start to decide where each shape goes in the Venn diagram. Remember:
    • a shape with both properties goes in the overlapping area
    • a shape with neither of these properties goes outside the sets.
    Now continue by placing shapes A, E and D.
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The squared-based pyramid (C) must go in the overlapping area as it has both properties.
The sphere (B) goes outside the sets as it has neither of these properties.

  • What is your answer?
    Double check it.
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