Let's practise

A recipe uses 350 g of flour for every 100 ml of milk.
How many grams (g) of flour are needed when 400 ml of milk is used?

  • Read the question and then read it again. What is it asking you to do?
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It is asking you to calculate how much flour is needed for a recipe using 400 ml of milk.

  • Identify the ratio of part to part.
    The language ‘for every’ will help you here.
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The ratio is 350 g of flour for every 100 ml milk.

  • Now find how the recipe has been scaled up.
    Your multiplication facts and division facts will help you here.
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400 ÷ 100 = 4
400 ml is four lots of 100 ml.
The recipe has been scaled up by 4.

  • So, you must now multiply the amount of flour by four so that the ingredients stay in the same ratio.
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350 × 4 = 1,400

  • What is your answer? Check that you have used the unit of measurement that has been asked for in the question.
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1,400 g

  • Check your working. The inverse will help you here.
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1,400 ÷ 4 = 350