Let's try

Look at these signs: < > =
Write the correct sign in each box.
8778        5151        2332

  • Read the question and read it again. What do you have to do?
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Use the signs to compare the numbers.

  • What do the signs mean?
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> greater than
= equal to
< less than

  • * Is 87 greater than, less than or equal to 78?
    * How many tens? How many ones?
    * Is 51 greater than, less than or equal to 51?
    * Is 23 greater than, less than or equal to 32?
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87 is greater than 78
87 > 78
51 equals 51
51 = 51

23 is less than 32
23 < 32

  • What is your answer?
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87 > 78
51 = 51
23 < 32

  • Check your answer.